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English Biography

Corrado Mastantuono was born in Rome on December 20th, 1962.

In 1980 he graduated in animation at the Istituto Nazionale per la Cinematografia e la Televisione, and this demanding job will greatly contribute to forming his professional skills as cartoonist and illustrator. He worked in animation until 1989. 

His debut in the comics field took place in issue 82 of L'Eternauta magazine, in 1990. Shortly there after, the same year, he began his collaboration with Walt Disney Italia under the patronage of Giovan Battista Carpi, who introduced him to the mice and duck universe and Topolino magazine.

His collaboration with the entertainment mega-corporation then brought him on the pages of such diverse titles as "Minni & Co.", "Giovani Marmotte", "PK", "Mickey Mouse Mistery Magazine ". In 1997 he created a new character for Disney Italia, Bum Bum Ghigno.
With issue 74, titled "Un uomo nel mirino" (1994), he joined the team of artists working at the Nick Raider series, for the publisher Sergio Bonelli Editore , and with issue 100 became its cover artist with very good results. For Bonelli he also draws Magico Vento from 1997 and, again, is the cover artist since September 2003. From 2007, with the special n.21 "Il profeta Walpai", he designs to the colossus of the italian comics, Tex.

For the publisher Epierre he created, aside from the annual posters for the Cartoomics convention in Milan, the cover of their books on " Miki " and " Blek". He was introduced to the Francophone market with the fantasy tale Elias le maudit for the publisher Les Humanoides Associés.

Among the prizes awarded the prestigious Yellow Kid in 2001 and the Gran Guinigi in 2002.